Donation for local Maritime Search

Donation for local Maritime Search & Rescue Service

Donation for local Maritime Search & Rescue Service

Yesterday, Axel Schulz, CEO, and Jan Kahle, Supply Chain Manager of Aquametro Oil & Marine GmbH from Rostock-Warnemünde, presented a donation check of €1,000 to Jörg Westphal, the head of the Information Center for the Sea Rescuers in Rostock-Warnemünde.

As a long-standing supplier to the maritime industry, Aquametro has a deep connection to seafaring. Many employees and the entire management team have gained their own experience at sea and understand firsthand how crucial it is to rely on dependable and professional support in emergencies.

The DGzRS (Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger = German Maritime Search & Rescue Service)
was founded in 1865 and is responsible for the maritime search & rescue service in the German areas of the North Sea and Baltic Sea. In many countries, state authorities assume responsibility for sea rescue. The DGzRS, which is responsible in Germany, is financed exclusively through donations and does not receive any governmental financial support.


Aquametro extends heartfelt thanks to all the volunteer and full-time staff of the DGzRS for their outstanding dedication. We wish you a peaceful holiday season, much happiness, and good health in the new year, as well as always safe journeys on the seven seas.

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